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Old April 16, 2020, 10:54 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default How to navigate the rough waters of Covid-19 storm. A COMPASS.

There are four major compass points, North, South, East and West.

We're all in a boat in the C-19 Ocean, some in the calm, tranquil waters of the S. Pacific, others in a icy hurricane in the N. Atlantic. Here are some potential ports.

It could all go SOUTH. The world economy ends as we know it, life will never be the same. This is the port where the Preppers, Conspiracy theorists and Doomsday Chicken Littles are headed. They are flipping off the world with an "I told you so."

At the NORTH pole, Mrs. Claus sewed a mask for Santa, who has his elves working around the clock, their new mantra: Always Be Covid Curing. The North port is one where we quickly return to normal, have a rapid recovery and those pundits (the Fake News guys) say, "see, we told you so".

To the EAST is the old world. Established, been around, and this is the port of tradition. People sailing there just want things to go back to the way they used to be, these folks have some sort of "good old days" myopia.

And to the WEST, where I think things will probably be headed, is the NEW Frontier, perhaps the Wild West, a biased law enforcement with many operating outside the law. There is daily uncertainty, an uneasiness of an impending earthquake long overdue.

Now, of course, a Compass has those points in between those four, and then between those...a 360 degree option of what direction the world is going...and no one knows. OUR ship has lost a rudder.

For many people life has stopped, for thousands, that is literal. For millions, their routines and regularities have been disrupted and they are inconvenienced, more or less in a constant flux.

How does ONE plot a course toward their chosen Port?

What actions, what can they do to get through this storm and what awaits them on the other side?

I am of the opinion, the belief, this is a good time to discover yourself, do honest evaluations, sincere introspection and a FUTURE life focused from assessment.

As the world changes, maybe it is time that you do too. Eh?


PS. I'm working on then new SQ1 update, which could be your lifeboat through this storm.
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