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Old December 18, 2021, 03:35 AM
jamespeterson jamespeterson is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 4
Default Re: How would you tackle this project (Careful, quite long)

I have been in this industry for a few years and I can tell that this is a great idea. People always like to see practical before performing everything.

I would suggest you create a detailed article with pictures in it. And a complete video at the end of each article (make a youtube channel).

An email attachment is not a good idea. Provide the information there and then make it easy for the readers. Checking the email and opening the details is nothing but just an extra step.

Now if you are doing this much and given the idea about where to buy the stuff from. I think you should definitely insert affiliate links in your articles.

And I think the price you are offering it for is just okay. Good luck
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