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Old January 8, 2012, 12:36 PM
Jason Hatchett
Posts: n/a
Default Re: F.E.A.R - False Evidence Appearing Real

Fear of rejection is a big issue for many people. (F.E.A.R - False Evidence Appearing Real) We need to remember it’s false, it’s only in your head.

I admit, I too was a little fearful when I first started selling to auto dealers. I would say to myself, “ I have to go in and sell to pro salesmen. What if I fumble over my words. What if I say something stupid“. All these what if’s. And guess what… I did fumble over my words, I did say stupid things. And guess what… I still got work.

It wasn’t until I realized I don’t have to act like a good salesman. All I had to do was act like a friendly guy who has a service that will help them sell more car for more money & give them a free demo. The less salesmany I acted, the more business I got. When I tried to act like someone I’m not, it was very transparent. But when I walked in, in jeans, a clean shirt & just showed them what I do they were much more receptive & I got a lot more work.

Thank You,
Jason Hatchett
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