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Old June 22, 2017, 04:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Overcoming your fear in business...


I agree with you on the higher power. Many people call me "strong" and other positive adjectives, and the only thing I can point to is the higher power.

Many activities that normally absorb willpower and effort have become effortless because of that connection with a higher power.

For me, that means most things. there are a few things I am learning which are still not into that "effortless" category, but they are getting there.

As far as fear goes, I personally am not so sure that fear is the greatest enemy in business or life. At least, it seems that way for me.

Of course, I remember times when the fear was great and seemed insurmountable. And there is always the possibility that it may return at any time. Maybe thousands upon thousands of cold calls stamp a lot of the fear out of a person.

Nowadays I personally encounter a general internal resistance that seems far more prevalent. This general resistance is like the inner 3-year-old who says, "I don't wanna!" digs in its heels, and tries to do everything to avoid moving forward.

It is petulance itself, annoyance, boredom, anger and frustration. It wants to complain, it wants to escape from work, it wants to avoid doing anything constructive.

It definitely doesn't want to be a bigger person or keep moving forward.

To me, this one can be very tough when dealing with certain activities. I feel like, as I continue on despite this, I am burrowing deeper and deeper into the heart of my own frustration and petulance.

The only answer I can come up with is to keep going and pay no attention to my emotions. At times it does feel like I've white-knuckled it, but I always come out on the other side.

I have also found it helpful to imagine being the bigger person who does the right thing because it is the right thing and having faith that all beneficial rewards will also come to me because of that.

This places me in a state where I am no longer frustrated that I have all of these things to do, and I can feel like I am not "put upon", but that I am really just an exceptional person who can handle a lot of work and take it all in stride.

That sets me up for success. What do you think of that?
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