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Old December 20, 2017, 09:22 AM
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Default A different take on "self talk".

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

Good topic!

I find that sometimes I have "psychological blocks" to doing things... I know I can do it, but it seems impossible to make myself do it...

I've recently been re-reading Maxwell Maltz's Psycho-Cybernetics, and I think he's right... A negative self-image can be a "blocker" to achievement. Including to self-discipline!

How? It's hard to do something that goes against your own self-image...

So if you see yourself as a lazy-bones... It may be hard to work hard. If you see yourself as a bad writer... It may be hard to write anything. If you see yourself as a bad speaker... It may be hard to get up and give a speech.

Therefore, for many people, what may be needed is a change in their own self-image...

How do you change your own self-image? The brief version (from Maxwell Maltz) is to use your imagination... And imagine yourself as how you want to be. And do it repeatedly, on a regular basis, over a sustained period of time (e.g. daily, at least for a few weeks). We do know that when you see something repeatedly (e.g. advertising, or political messages), you're more likely to believe it's true. I imagine it's the same with this process... The more you repeatedly see this positive image of yourself, over a period of time, the more likely you'll believe it's true.

It's different from other similar "visualizations" that you often see written about, because this is focusing primarily on your own self-image, rather than focusing on external things, like external achievements...

If anyone is interested, I also found the following link...

Best wishes,


P.S. There is a toll position lesson here, too. Dan Kennedy and a bunch of others acquired the rights to "Psycho Cybernetics," and put out a new updated version. Maxwell Maltz passed away in 1975... I found it a bit disconcerting finding "him" (in the updated version) making comparisons with using internet search engines, when they didn't exist until around 20 years after he passed away...! But that's only because I know the history...

Thanks for this Dien, maybe Maltz was speaking to Kennedy, et al from the grave? HA!

This is my opinion, but the best and most productive way to get maximum results from self talk, is illustrated in the CREED. Reading the CREED four times a day, for the first 30 days take you away from an internal an external self where you are doing for others, and one is not in conflict with the self image.

By the way, the SQ1 shows where and how that Self Image was developed and how, and is one reason why I teach about the 12 year old living inside of us and making our adult decisions too often.

You take the self talk out of the shadows of your subconscious mind, where it is constantly whirring away with noise...and you add CONSCIOUS awareness, like what happens when you read the CREED.

So, a lazy bones will get off the couch if it is on fire, right? Or, if a friend, family or even a pet were in danger, there would be no hesitation in the action. Laziness is physical inactivity and mental distraction, but when the mind is refocused on action which benefits other people, the inertia is overcome.

A person who feels under or uneducated, would refrain from expressing his opinions when in the presence of those he deemed more educated, the self image acts as a governor, which is the basic premise of PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS, the reason why people who had cosmetic surgery still felt and ACTED the same as they did before the surgery.

The way to over ride these governors is to unblock them, and the way to overcome one's unproductive self image is...

to get out of SELF. Bring it to the conscious mind, turn the background noise down, and use the self talk of helping other people, of giving that which you do have, and not focusing on what you lack or don't powers up activity and lets one bypass his self image.

The problem of imagining an event as already completed (a Maltz biggee), is there are many people who accept this, the goal accomplished, and it strips away the motivation. When the imagination is combined with conscious awareness then it adds to it, visualizing making foul line shots in basketball is aided by being on the court and not leaving until you make 20 in a row.

Like putting, I visualized the ball going into the hole, and often did it from my easy chair, but I also put in the 10,000 hours on the green making 3 foot putts for hours on end, which made my imaginative success, even more so.

Some times, just a thought, something like, "I can do better than this" turns an average student just coasting along unfocused into a very focused student who goes after and gets his Ph.D., for example.

Shine the light on the dark corners of the subconscious mind, and those negative little cockroaches of thought scurry away.

Again, my opinion, the best self talk one can do is to talk about how they are going to help other people and how to pursue the action to do so.


Last edited by GordonJ : December 20, 2017 at 09:55 AM.
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