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Old August 14, 2019, 08:29 AM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: The Ozarks
Posts: 308
Default Re: What the talking heads and mouth breathers don't get. POLITICS.

You hit the nail on the head when you said we need more JOB CREATORS.

The vast majority of Americans are WORKERS. Most folks don't want to risk their hard-earned cash to try out an idea or two. I'd rather try out something, and if it doesn't work, try out something else... over and over, with a winner here and there.... than be in the same job, day after day.

However, sometimes, in-between winners, I have had to work jobs I hated... just to keep cash flow going. As a creator, this memory of working at things I have hated helps me to focus on creating more or finding people I can consult to help them build a bigger business.

These talking heads need to be in a grocery store bagging groceries or serving food at a diner for at least a week to get a real feel for the public.
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