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Old February 1, 2011, 07:46 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Anyone in BOSTON? How is the FOOD SUPPLY?

Just got off the phone with a friend in the Boston area. He works in the trucking industry and informs me that FOOD trucks (and trains) are going to be blocked out and that TODAY, there was a "mini run" on the supermarkets in the greater Boston area.

Can anyone confirm? Or deny? Does your supermarket have PLENTY of toilet paper, food?

Have people been "stocking up" for this next round of snow and ice due in town Thursday morning?

A story that has been buried and/or ignored amidst the fury of Egypt and Mugs, is the weather and the impact it is having on the food supply.

We in FL, have had some crop effecting weather back in Dec. and so has Georgia, Mississippi, and other winter growing states.

Has anyone noticed a creeping price in food?

OK, just wondering. I'm always prepared, but, there is some talk about food shortages or food prices being behind the protests in Egypt along with UNemployment.

We Americans will wait for the warm weather before we hit the streets over the cost of food, but, is it headed our way?

Your NON political comments welcome (or your civil political comments are welcome too, however, you know I delete the chest thumping finger pointing crap faster than a speeding bullet {or when I see it} )

FOOD. Is it going to be flashpoint in USA?

Gordon Alexander
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