Thread: The human brain
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Old September 16, 2003, 07:07 AM
Garry Boyd
Posts: n/a
Default Interesting meme

This one has a definite air of Chinese whispers about it. Its popping up everywhere, and mutating as it goes. I tracked it back via a blog search at daypop apparently to research in the US in 1999, but it suddenly sprang back to life on the 14th September or thereabouts.

Theres even a perl script to create your own version of this vaguely Orwellian pig English:

# Premssioin to use, cpoy, mdoify, drusbiitte, and slel this stafowre and its
# docneimuatton for any prsopue is hrbeey ganrted wuihott fee, prveodid taht
# the avobe cprgyioht noicte appaer in all coipes and that both taht
# cohgrypit noitce and tihs premssioin noitce aeppar in suppriotng
# dcoumetioantn.

Sunflower Organics