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Old October 22, 2019, 08:25 PM
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Default Thinking cap on. Who uses the most referrals.

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post

I appreciate the thoughts on selling. Your example of Mrs. Fields cookies helped me put my mind around your thinking.

I was never a born salesman, but hit the streets selling Grit newspapers when I was a teen, to selling credit card services to businesses, and even time-shares to folks. Sometimes you've got to do what ya gotta do.

Once I found a niche doing shows for schools, my performing business became a full-time deal. Even then I had to make a lot of calls. However, my business REALLY took off when I used referrals in a unique way.

Thanks for your insight.

Your experience and insight are always a pleasure to read.

Grit was a fun read and fun to sell, I had established customers for years, and they became good Kristee Products customers too, mostly kitchen utensils and cleaning items. I ordered a lot of mail order stuff too from Grit.

Any business can REALLY TAKE OFF, when they implement a good referral program. So, think about it. Everyone.

Who or what industries needs constant referrals, MUST work with other service providers, and is EVERGREEN as the Parade of Life itself.

Instead of asking the Restaurant guys to give us leads, which they turned out to be reluctant to do, we had to think of other places a CHALK BOARD could be used. Found several, like Dry Cleaners, gyms, studios (dance, martial arts) and other high traffic places, but ONE seems (still testing, never jump the gun til the RESULTS are in) to be ideal.

Remote operation, or local. One half day of "dropping off flyers", a few hours of follow up, TARGETS STUCK in their locations and easy to locate...and with many other business partners as PART of their business.

I never THOUGHT so much in my day, just did what, like you said, needed to be done and that was often a bone headed grind I created because I didn't think outside the old box. Referrals are for sure, a PULL way of getting leads, and leads with a good feeling too.

Anyhow, THANKS Millard for taking your time to post and respond, it is appreciated.

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