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Old February 2, 2017, 05:56 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,245
Default You Have a Good Nose For MUNNY


Smart of you to order at a 1.00 each
and re-sell for $2 or 3.

Several people at three different Restaurants have come up to me wanting to B*UY my LED glasses.

So YES you can sell them - without having to CHASE prospects.

A couple of tips...

#1 - Don't wear them outside in the dark when you are walking.

I walked into a wooden post

#2 - Photos of folks wearing the glasses with the LED's flashing come out MARVELOUS.

The red especially fills the entire pic

#3 - The low Light in a Restaurant is where people RESPOND Best.

I wore them in a Wall-Mart.

The bright Glaring light - inside at night - you can barely notice the flashing
red, blue, green lines.

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