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Old May 16, 2020, 08:54 AM
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MMacGillivray MMacGillivray is offline
Eternal Optimist
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Helensburgh, Argyll
Posts: 243
Default Re: the coronavirus pandemic now over?

This is as predictable as a game of Russian roulette! I understand Don's frustration about the "you can do nothing while this is happening!" decision - and yet, where we live, about 20 miles from the centre of Glasgow, in a rural area, we have had cases one of which was about 200 yards away from us; we have seen for ourselves how one of our friends was affected by a "mild" case of the disease.

We have all become accustomed to the thought that there is a pill and a potion of some kind which might cure us of any disease; so when something new erupts, we expect that there will be an instant cure or solution to the threat to life and limb. Till that happens, the best way to stop this little virus in its tracks is to stay well away from one another. Remembering the story of Typhoid Mary, the only way to keep her from spreading typhoid infection was to incarcerate her on an island separated from the New York population. Effective, simple - not particularly kind solution to keeping the majority of the population safe!.

I guess that death is the ultimate freedom from stress and worry - but I would hope not to achieve that freedom for a few years yet.

Best wishes from Scotland
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