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Old March 8, 2011, 01:19 AM
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Ankesh Ankesh is offline
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Default Re: Ah-ha...the sobriety and innocence of youth.

Thanks Cornell for calling me young

Its probably more than youth. Its a different perspective living in a different place...

* we are living in a perpetual oil and power crisis. Outside Delhi and Bombay - every city and village in India faces power cuts every week.
* We've seen food prices rise like crazy
* We've seen a terrorist attack on land in the past 4 years
* But at the same time, we've also grown our GDP by 100% in the past 4 years!

On top of that, history shows that:
* the rich never die of hunger. Never. Even during WW2 - rich folks managed to get a distribution of food going on.

So I optimistically claim: its better to specialize and become filthy rich. Then to become self sufficient.

But thats just my opinion. Maybe formed by staying in another country where circumstances differ.

India is facing all the same problems as all the other countries are facing - and a few more. But we are booming like crazy. And thats because our economy opened up only 20 years back. And our population won't mature until 2040-2050.

But who knows - this type of thinking may not be right for a country like USA anymore where you don't see double digit growth rates - even in the best of times.

(An average Indian is still 20 times poor than an average American. But thats down from 40 times poor 4 years ago.)

Saying all that - I love the idea of a geodesic green house! Thats awesome. Would love more details. And pictures and videos too when you start building it. How big is it going to be? Are you going to construct it on your own? This seems fascinating.
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