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Old February 14, 2012, 10:57 PM
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Default Re: Are You a Slow or a Fast Thinker? - Take This 30 second Test To Find Out!

Hi Dien, Thanks for asking.

My experience… well I’m still struggling with eradicating PTV (The Pluto Truth Virus) from my necktop computer (Brain) but have benefited immensely from installing the new software CVS2BVS.

His two books, which you can get for free have helped me to triple my income so far!

I can’t do them justice in a short post…. Just put both of them on your reading list…..

(If you are in a hurry he has a short 59 second course in thinking here)

The Brain Software is for everyone. Download it at:

And for entrepreneurs request a free copy of his WOMBAT SELLING book at: it will rip apart the old style of American Selling and replace it with what Michael Hewitt-Gleeson calls “ NEWSELL” which will work for even non sales types because it’s not based on bible thumping – close the sale – type tactics. It will help you to keep your focus and efforts on what really works and will prove that closing is a myth that needs to be replaced with a NEWSELL SYSTEM.

His two books along with Sam Carpenters book at: which you introduced me to by posting about it on SOWPUB have taken me to new heights!

I guarantee these books will improve your life if you read them and practice what they teach! And before I forget…. To improve your game take advantage of the #1 Law of Success “t4t” and learn why turning the other cheek makes you a sucker while practising an eye for an eye is the best strategy. I'm not saying to be nasty... Just look it up on Michael's School of Thinking website.


Steve Shulenski
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