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Old February 12, 2012, 07:48 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Default Why This is a 300+ million a Year -No Selling- Home Business

Thanks Gordon,

This CAN BE a Fantastic Business for Shy Engineer types who don't want to
Meet or Talk to people.

Which is WHY this parent company and it's distributors is so gigantic.
Their system Targets the Majority of people.

Only about 5% of us can walk up to doors and talk to strangers.
(I've even got one realtor who I've helped go from last to #1 in his brokerage
who sends his WIFE Up to the door 1st.)

He specializes in s elling Foreclosed homes. (Hint - he makes deals with the
Lender so the home owner can pocket SOME MUNNY - Banks are Desperate
to clear their books before real estate drops Further.)


His wife was a Nervous Wreck. So I did one of my FREE - "Energy Mind Map"
phone consults with her. And now she literally RUNS up to the door.

Here's how the NO SELLING Home Signs Biz Works...

a - You go up and down the street hanging a door hanger on home door

b - You come back the next day with Binoculars

c - From the car you can SEE your FLYER hanging YELLOW SIDE OUT
from the door knob

d - This means the home owner has signed the agreement and enclosed
a check for door or curb or mailbox #'s

e - then the engineer type - who already has a machine shop in his basement
goes home and makes the #'s

f - Puts them on the house or curb or mailbox


Glenn Osborn

P.S. - I've forgotten the name of this Giant company. But it's everywhere.
Easy to google and find their website. By now I bet it's in other countries too.

P.P.S. - Here's a Link to one of my FREE - EXTRA ENERGY REPORTS...

I got More Response to my Ezine For This ENERGY Secret from a 100 Year old
Indian Swami - (One of my clients came back from India) than All other previous Ezine offers in the last 10 years...
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