Thread: Happy New Year
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Old January 1, 2012, 04:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Happy New Year

I copied this:

"This promises to be a stellar career year for Aquarius - your star is clearly rising! You've been in a bit of a gestation period for the past few years, but now you're getting ready to unveil your genius. Though 2011 may have felt like a bit of a stalemate for you, you'll soon realize that you were simply collecting experiences, ideas and dreams that will all be put to good creative use this year."

as my birthdate makes me an Aquarius. I would imagine if I took out the word Aquarius in the first sentence and substituted Sowpubbers it would fit every member. In truth, the rest of the paragraph pretty well sums up what we've been talking about on this forum.

I know the 16 pager is gonna be a big deal for me in Northern Nevada. So is the postcard mailing. I think the genius mentioned above isn't so much internal as it is being able to adapt what others are saying and listening to how they make, or made, it work.

And isn't collecting experiences, ideas and dreams to be put to good creative use why we interact on this forum? I think it is. Can't wait for 2012 to start rolling out.

Have a great one!!!
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