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Old July 7, 2009, 03:10 PM
Skip Rosell
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I'm drowning -- and I can't tell what people are tossing...

Originally Posted by -TW View Post
I can't tell if what well-meaning people are tossing me are life savers
---- or ANVILS!

Asking the people who are doing the tossing will not serve to determine if they are tossing me life savers, or ANVILS.

The tossers all look THE SAME. Scammers, well-meaning people who don't know what the &*#@&^&(&% they're talking about, and real life savers all look the same to me, suddenly.

The scary thing is, maybe I never could tell the difference.

-- TW

Hi TW,

Sounds like you are involved in one or more projects that you are trying to make work but are having a hard time making them work.

In one of your posts before you talked about prospects not returning your calls. Now you talk about a prospect bailing out on you. If this is the same project then you have made this project your "baby" and just can't let go because of the time and effort you have already put into it.

Not all "babies" turn out to be great teenagers! Some times we have to let them go. Period. Time to clear the slate and do some soul searching. If you can't trust or know that others are giving you good or bad advise then depend on yourself only at this time. Later when you are thinking better you can use the help of others.

I think from what you wrote that the main problem is business and that is also affecting other parts of your life. I may be way off base here because from reading posts a person can not get the true picture. If I'm off base then use the following as you see fit.... as wisdom or toilet paper.

I'm going to assume that it is the business projects that are the root of your bad thinking right now and suggest a way that works for me.

Trun off the computer for a couple of hours and do the following. Write down on a piece of paper all the things you could do to make money. Don't leave out anything no matter how bright or stupid it sounds right now. Also while making this list include other things that you would like to do. Like lose weight or stop smoking, etc. Keep writing this list until you really have to think for a few minutes before you can come up with any more ideas for your list. Then take a break and then come back to your list. During your break you will most likely think of a few more things. Put them on your list.

You should have at least 50 to 100 or more things on your list now. Here is what you do with the list.

Let's say a few things on your list are:

Write articles
Set up auto-responder for others
Stop smoking
Lose 10 pounds
Go bowling

Now that you have your list rate each item on your list 1 to 5 as far as how fast you can get it done, What materials you need, What knowledge you have to get it done. So the list above might look like this with 5 being you have everything you need and 1 being you have very little knowledge or equipment to get it done.

Write Articles: 2 time involved 5 computer 3 Knowledge
Set up auto-responder for others: 5 time involved 5 equipment 5 knowledge
Lose 10 Pounds 5 time involved 2 equipment 5 knowledge

Then you take the ones with the 5's and start with them Think about how to make money with them.

Above is auto-responders and lose 10 pounds are the best to start with.

You could check on websites to see if they use a sign up form to capture name and email. The ones that don't have one offer to set this up for them for a fee.

You could lose 10 pounds by walking so offer to do friends and neighbors lawns for a fee. Get to make money AND lose ten pounds.

You get the idea.

Find what you can do quick and make some money at it. It does not have to be a lot of money right now. It will grow as your thinking gets better. Right now you just want quick successes. After a few successes you will be in a much better mood in all of your life's actions.

This way you are not depending on anyone other then yourself, so just trust yourself. Later on you will be able to see clearly and make better choices.

Best of success,

Skip Rosell
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