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Old January 18, 2008, 09:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Does this make sense the way I've written it?

I liked your article and agree with it wholeheartedly.

Reading your article reminded me of an ancient proverb: "There is nothing new under the sun."

It is quite amazing, how people buy into all the NEW marketing ideas and love to denounce the old ways. It's the old ways that are generating billions and billions of dollars everyday, even to this very minute.

When I explain marketing to young people, they immediately get turned off. They want it easy. What I've witnessed over the years is the younger generation thinking that old style marketing doesn't work.

What they don't stop and realize is that what they eat, drink, wear, listen to, and look at, is simple old style marketing that got them to buy or try.

The online marketing gurus want the UNSUSPECTING viewers to think the old ways are dead, but in reality they themselves are using old style marketing to get their message out.

Example: Long web page copy. That style comes from the same long page information articles seen as far back as the early 1900's newspapers or information letters sent out via USPS.

Example: Weekly or monthly email newsletters are no different then having a paperboy deliver to your door the newspaper. He can either bring you a daily edition or the Sunday edition.

Example: Niche Marketing is just a fancy way of saying, "I'm an electrician", "I'm a building contractor", "I'm a salesman".

If the old ways are not as effective as they use to be then why use them?

As you can see the whole idea of this new marketing or permission marketing is none other than old style marketing getting you to believe there is an easier way to market to people.

People don't change. They are not going to buy until they are ready to buy. If your message strikes them at the right moment then out comes their wallet.

Here is a great example of old style marketing success. Last night on The Apprentice, the team with the sloppy presentation out sold the team with the polished presentation.

If I were an online guru I would have put my money on the Gene Simmons team. But I'm not a polished marketer. I'm old school and when I saw what I had to work with, I would have done the same thing. Start talking and interacting with the public.

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