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Old April 13, 2015, 08:19 PM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: $7,500 A WEEKEND!

Yup......OreGUN is STILL a small pop State AND...when I first did this MANY of my "detractors" advised me that....."Ya Cain't Do Dis....HERE!"

Well....CaliForNeeya is and always has been a "Gummit-Controlled" State. always....whenever I've come up with a "make some bux" there's ALWAYS BEN....."Carefullers"! "Be Careful O Careful O dat!

And .....yes.....despite ALL the Care-Fullers.....I STILL went ahead with most of my projects....and....guess what.....I got to do 99% of the projects I came up with.

My Philosphy has always been.....DO IT....THEN HAVE PEOPLE TELL YA WHY YA CAIN'T!

* what stops most Entroopeneers! NOT....."Go-Fer-Da-Gusto" guys like ME!

So.....because my buddy wants to give this one another shot.....and the Timing is Perfect.....we shall see.....what we shall see.

However......there are Jillions of vehicle owners in MY area who'd LOVE (as they did some yrs ago) put their Vehicle on a Lot to sell it!

Don Alm.....Do First, THEN...find out why ya can't
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