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Old March 10, 2012, 12:19 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Department heads.

This weekend, we're filling in the blanks at and getting our Department Heads set up. Great group so far.

Next week we'll be adding a lot of content and continue our housekeeping.

My NEW report on Chatteling, will be available by the time we open on April 15. One April 1, we'll take her out for a shakedown, getting some new eyeballs on it and taking requests for departments.

It is NEW. Imagine a year from now. Can you recall the past year?

Sure, there isn't much there right now, but the expertise is coming together and the content and traffic will build slowly. Tom knows and understands he can't take this thing out there and be overwhelmed.

He wants to make sure everything is working and people are getting maximum benefit from it.

So, don't let the skeleton appearance scare you, we'll be feeding it daily and it will fill out and I suspect, within the next year...become a HOT spot on the Internet for those wanting to learn from people who DO and not just talk about it.

Shoot me an email if you want to be a Department head (no cost) and we'll set you up with a password and help you get started.

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