Thread: Sales Help
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Old May 23, 2003, 06:47 PM
Max Sales
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Default Re: Sales Help


There are two books I would highly reccomend you read.

One is "High Probability Prospecting" by Jacques Werth.

The other is "The Secret of Question Based Selling" by Tom Frees.

The first book is fairly well known, and Jacques system works well in changing your mindset to avoid the exact problems in cold-calling and prospecting that cause cold-feet.

The second book is not very well known. Tom Frees up to this time has only done corporate sales training. I was fortunate enough that our company recently paid for him to come in and give my sales group a two day training on his Question Based Selling system. I was extremely skeptical but by our first break of the morning I was ecstatic. Tom's system is the first sales system I have seen that is not just a rehash of all the other consultive or non-manipulitive systems out there. In fact I would not even call it a system so much as a way of thinking and approaching prospects that provides the highest value to yourself and them as well.

Here is a link to Tom's site.

By the way this is not an affiliate link nor am I associated with Tom in any way. I am a software sales rep with a Fortune 50 technology company.