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Old October 2, 2000, 01:11 AM
Julie Jordan Scott
Posts: n/a
Default Re: God's either a women or he doesn't exist.

Hi Richard!

> Now if God created Adam first, then gave him
> a partner….why does Adam and all men have
> nipples?

I have many friends who are finer theologians than I, and I would bet many of them have actually entered into these discussions before. Without their consul, and after pondering your question for only a few moments, I will give it a stab in the dark.

First of all, God enjoys things which are aesthetically pleasing. He made gorgeous landscapes, crystal clear water, he made us women able (with an assist from you men) have the ability to bring forth life.

I have been trying to picture a human chest without nipples, and to me it just looks weird.

Another reason for men having nipples (and probably why He did it) is cause he has a great sense of humor. He could picture men either complaining about their lack of nipples OR, the more likely, he knew that today you would come up with this very question, and this WHOLE time He has been giggling in anticipation of it......

Just a few quick thoughts.....


> Women have them for specific child rearing
> reasons and men have them for???……..apart
> from sticking jewellery in them (why you’d
> want to do that is beyond me) they seem to
> be fairly useless.

> So if God created man first, why give him
> nipples? Makes me think he either created
> women first and is therefore a women…..or
> the whole of Christianity is based on
> nonsense.

> Of course I could be wrong……….but I’ll never
> admit it.

> It may sound like I’m trying to be humorous
> here, but believe me, the nipple issue is
> serious and has major implications for all
> zealots.

> Richard