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Old July 30, 2012, 03:26 PM
Skip Rosell
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A-frame signs by Skip Rosell, eh, eh, by Jason Hatchett

Originally Posted by Eva View Post
Yes, I read that thread before and for sure, its a good one. Talking about signs,
do you have any idea what biz owners does with the signs as far as putting something on them? Not that it really matters because this is the biz of SELLING signs, not headlight cleaning (Ooops, did I say that...).

Craigslist seems to work fine, those are the people that are actually looking for something, not neccessarily a sign but they knew it was a steal at $65. I wonder if making up some flyers and popping in door to door, just dropping off a flyer would increase your sales? Take that back, only TESTING will tell, lol,


Hi Eve,

Thanks for bringing up the use for the signs.

Some of the businesses just staple hand bills on the signs. Others have the quick print shop print up a banner to attach to the signs. Others have a sign shop or creative friend paint their message right on the sign.

But I have come up with a couple of unique tricks to help me sell the signs when the customer shows up.

If the prospect sign buyer bulks about buying the sign because they do not want to use any of the above methods I suggest they get a can of Blackboard Paint from home depot and spray the sign. Then they can write a different message every day, like a menu daily special.

Another paint that is available is magnetic paint. Then you can use magnetic letters to make up you signs.

Hope this helps.

Best of success,

Skip Rosell
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