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Old October 22, 2008, 10:29 AM
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Default Re: My point exactly, Michael...

Originally Posted by SteveSki View Post
The only thing stopping most people I know from becoming rich is fear. They will let themselves starve half to death before they find the courage to prospect strangers offline.

That's SO true -- that's why they are MORE than willing to subscribe to "the internet can take care of all my marketing" MYTH. It allows them (IN THEIR MIND -- NOT REALITY-BASED) to AVOID having to 'get out there and see the people.'

They don't understand the 'target' in 'target marketing' refers to the potential customer, not the marketer!

I'm glad at least some are waking up to the reality -- ONline mrktng is LIMITED + often LAME, compared to offline methods.

And, there's a lot of us who could plainly see that all along.


-- TW

PS: Thanks for the giving away money t-shirt idea! That's a keeper! (you could add in small writing "I've given away over 25 Million Dollars so far!")
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