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Old January 14, 2018, 11:31 AM
Posts: n/a
Smile Re: $800 bux a week. Is old fashioned selling dead?

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
I just got off the phone with a guy who wants to help people make 800 bux a week for about 25 to 30 hours of "work". Sounds good, BUT, the work is using the phone to set up appointments and doing B to B sales.

Pretty easy sales in that the pitch is just showing the biz owner the product, and it is instantly understandable and a Yes/No thanks decision is made immediately.

I told this guy MY opinion was, very few people, if any, would be interested in old world get off the couch, out the door and talk to people face to face.

I believe most would rather not work at all rather than having to DO something.

Especially if that something were showing businesses a product which brings them more customers. I think the days of us old timers like; Don Alms, Gordon Alexanders and Zig Ziglars are long gone.

Selling is dead.

So, tell me, if you will... do you think there are people who would be willing to work 30 hours a week (about 10 on the phone and 20 in person) selling a product which would make them between 800 and 1000 bux a week?

My friend on the phone was a little discouraged, and I told him it was only my opinion. I also suggested he find a couple of people to test it out on.

I doubt if any of you would be interested, but perhaps you still know of someone, probably a 40+ guy who is willing to work the old fashioned way to make a decent weekly income.

If so, let me know.

And if I am right, and most think 800 to 1000 a week for 30 hours of real work is not right for them (I think the vast majority of Internet users), then do tell, what do you think people will be willing to do to get themselves to a $50,000.00 a year income from part-time effort?

As long as it isn't face to face, and god forbid, NO selling...what will those efforts look like in 2018?

I don't think my friend will be able to find 4 people in America willing to make money the old fashion way, that is, EARN IT. But I might get surprised.


PS. When he told me he could help people make 800 a week, I said PROVE IT, show me your results. He did. And HE DID. I like the people who do it for themselves first BEFORE they try to "help" other people do the thing...

so I vouch for what this guy sells and it is an Evergreen, In Demand product, but is selling (sort of), in that you have to show people the product and let them touch it so they GET IT. But he has been doing this for some time, so it isn't theory, it is results based, my favorite way of judging opportunity.

Thanks Gordon,

I'd DEFINATELY want to know Exactly what he does to make his $800 + p/ week income.

Most importantly;
1. How does he get the leads,
2. What Exactly does he say to get the appointment,
3. What does he say for the presentation to show the product, & close?

Dang... As long as I have confidence of the product / service providing what he's offering, I'd have No Problem w/ the 'rejections' from those that are not interested...
I'd do this ALL DAY...



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