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Old April 28, 2017, 06:07 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default A copywriting observation I've been making lately...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Since I used plethora already, how about an OVERABUNDANCE of would be copy writers. Only good ones will make a living at it, or by estimate, less than 5 0f 100 who take a course from_____________ (anyone).
Here's a current observation I've been making...

I never really looked for people advertising their copywriting abilities. But recently, I've come across people promoting their copywriting services...

And their self-promotions were... let's be polite... no good. The "selling" in their own writing, to sell their services, were terrible...

However, people who know little or nothing about sales or copywriting likely would not notice it. So they may still get a few clients (though I expect not many)... Those they get are probably due to their "low-ball" rates...

I think it is a very valuable skill to learn some essential sales and copywriting principles...

Advertising is "salesmanship in print"... That was apparently said 113 years ago by adman John E. Kennedy, and it's still true today...!

Gordon once advised me to get some experience in really selling. (That is, where you actively make a sale to someone; not where you are a kind of "order taker" for someone who was planning to buy already...) I took his advice, and it has benefited me ever since...!

Best wishes,

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