Thread: What is wealth?
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Old November 15, 2000, 07:49 AM
Dien Rice
Posts: n/a
Default Thank you Julie.... I could relate to that... :)

Hi Julie,

I agree with Amber.... that was a wonderful article! Thank you! :)

> This month, my theme is Plentiful Harvest.
> Believe me y'all, its working. I have been
> harvesting, reaping after many months of
> sowing, almost to the point where it is
> unbelievable!

Julie, that's fantastic.... Plentiful Harvest.... I love that concept.... :)

> To be intentional, one must be purposeful.
> Deliberate. Focused.
> Yet in my mind, intentional also has a
> spirit of not forcing oneself,
> while including a spirit of flow.

I agree... I think "going with the flow" of what seems natural can be very powerful....

For better or worse, I tend to "switch" between two modes. One mode is my "achiever" type mode (you know, the unhealthy, stressful, high-blood-pressure type).... While it's not always so pleasant, it often gets the job done, and it is very focused....

The other "mode" I get in is more the "go with the natural flow" mode, where I can fall in with the natural flow of things.... It's a much more pleasant place to be (very relaxing). :)

> My
> favorite quotes from one
> of my very favorite philosophers, Henry
> David Thoreau, goes like
> this: "I went to the woods because I
> wished to live deliberately,
> to front only the essential facts of life,
> and see if I could not learn
> what it had to teach, and not, when I came
> to die, discover that
> I had not lived." Thoreau wanted to be
> sure that he lived life as
> he was meant to live, so he went and lived
> separately from the
> rest of the world for a time.

I can relate to this.... To me, it mainly means taking time away from things, and which can help bring everything back into focus....

I've found that often, we can stray from our original path, yet we're so busy and working so hard that we don't notice.... Taking a bit of time off gives your mind a chance to reflect on things and realize exactly how close or how far you are from your original intended path....

> How I express living intentionally is quite
> different from my
> Nineteenth Century counterpart. In my
> situation, being intentional
> means to seek out relationships being sure
> it is a quality
> relationship rather than simply another
> person to engage in
> mindless conversation.

I agree here too.... :) Quality relationships are *extremely* important.... No one is an island, and having quality, supportive relationships can be crucial to reaching success.... :)

Thanks Julie.... I love reading your abundant writings full of plentiful harvest! :)

They make a difference to my life....

Dien Rice