Thread: {Le Sigh}
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Old February 10, 2012, 02:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: {Le Sigh}

Hiya Cornell!

Thanks for your tips and for responding. :-)

You know, I'm not a big fan of affiliate marketing in the first place, although I do "get" how it helps get more eyeballs to an offer. With my idea, you're right -- I wouldn't be making any recurring income. My income would largely come from those initial sales to my list.

Several years ago, I ran a membership site. Not exactly rinky-dink, but not as pro as some of today's memberships. Nah, I set it up by putting my membership site files in a protected directory using MSFrontPage software. Users had a username and password assigned, and when anyone tried to access the directory, they had to type their credentials in a pop-up box. That was it. Of course, this was back before paid content and paid memberships on the web were "the thing."

But that's not quite what I have in mind today. Today, I'm keeping it simple - product for sale, buy button, redirect to download. Next.

Pinterest -- yes, I have heard of it and I think Tiffany is where I first learned about it. Looks addictive, which reminds me why I only look at Tumblr in my son's room when he calls me in to see something particularly hilarious. I'd stay in there for hours reading 9gag if I didn't force myself to leave (his room is a total guy room, so it's easy for me to leave -- UNLESS I'm looking at Tumblr). I absolutely refuse to go on the site from my own computer. I might never leave! lol

Thank you for the suggestion. I'll visit the Pinterest site again and look at it from a different perspective (one of marketer).

You mention "your software" and rights licensing...tell me more about those? Rights licensing information/how to could be quite useful for me in other areas.

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