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Old December 21, 2008, 03:38 PM
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Ankesh Ankesh is offline
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Default Re: Trends for the next 10 years

I've never been good with realizing 1 year trends. But here are a few things I think are going to go HOT-HOT-HOT within the next few years.

1. We will crack the code to having wireless electricity for all sorts of devices. (Actually we already have done so in labs. In the next few years, we will see it on the market.)

2. Corollary - we may also see an increase in cancer because of wireless electricity. Or at least a scare - that wireless electricity could cause cancer - and the top scientists will be divided on the issue. (Just like with cellphones.)

And we will see a lot more products like: iation

3. We will see a lot more hybrid and electric cars. I won't be surprised to not find any new fuel based cars being made within 10 years.

We will see gas stations for electric and hybrid cars being standardized. Mostly to the standards set by Better Place:

4. We will finally crack solar energy... how to get it for cheap.

5. Getting your DNA will be the new hot thing. Genetic testing will become huge and cheap too... People will be finding out what diseases you could get based on your DNA code.

Google has already invested in:

6. We will see a decrease in people spending big bucks only because of brand names. The brands will constantly have to innovate like how Nike does it. If they rely on just their historical brand value, they won't do well. But if they invest in R&D - they will.

Example - Speedo with their swimming costumes:

Companies like IceBreaker will do very well.

7. Scientists will finally figure out that we experience taste because of the vibrations of the atoms that are in the food we eat. Which will result in a whole new industry of creating food preservative products without any of their downsides.

We will go nano on food. For eg: scientists will see the type of vibrations atoms in corn syrup have. Then find atoms with similar vibrations and create artificial corn syrup. But without the fattening properties.

Yes - We will be seeing more healthy food products that are made in labs - and eventually - factories.

8. We will see an increase in defense budgets of almost all countries. But we will also see unobtrusive defense products being made.

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