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Old August 18, 2022, 02:39 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 3,412
Default How can you keep selling, over and over?

Let's say that you've built an "audience"...

They've already bought your product.

How can you sell more to them - in a way so that they'll also be ecstatic about it?

Here are two ways to do it...

(1) One way is to have a repeat-purchase product...

Some examples of repeat purchase products are consumables...

Such as WD-40, chewing gum full of health supplements and vitamins, or makeup specially created for specific shades of skin...

These are all (real) products which are consumables. It gets used up, so that when they run out, people have to get more...

Another type nowadays is SAAS - Software As A Service.

This is software (usually online) which you pay for by subscription.

An example is - which gives you insight on what people are searching for, and what Google ads people are spending their advertising money on...

If you want to keep using the software, you have to pay the monthly fee...

(2) But, what if you are a creator and publisher of information?

That's when you need to have a "pipeline" of projects...

If you write a book or report, people will usually buy it only once. But... if they like your stuff, they'll buy more of what you put out...

As an example, I think I've bought every single marketing book that marketer and copywriter Denny Hatch has written. (I like his stuff.)

It even holds for fiction...

Amanda Lee is a fiction writer, working in a very specific genre... She writes fiction about witches who solve mysteries. She has a loyal audience...

She makes a good living at it, by writing (unbelievably) two books a month!

(She actually writes under two names - Amanda M. Lee and Lily Harper Hart. Each "name" publishes one book a month...)

Those who love her books just keep buying more and more, as soon as they finish reading the last one...

You don't have to be as prolific as her! But, to be sure to make it in the "info" game, you need to build a loyal audience... and have a "pipeline" of works that your audience will love...

You can sell these as individual works... or as a subscription. But either way - to sell information or stories - in most cases, you need that "pipeline"...

Of course, there are exceptions that prove the rule! I think Harper Lee published one book during her lifetime - "To Kill a Mockingbird" - and it was such a great seller, she lived happily on the profits from one book!(*) But that's rare!

Best wishes,


(*) I'm not counting the controversial second book released a year before she passed away, when Harper Lee was 88 years old... which came from a manuscript found by Harper Lee's lawyer in Lee's safe-deposit box. And which some say was really a first draft of "To Kill a Mockingbird"... (Just to make things complicated!)

Last edited by Dien Rice : August 18, 2022 at 02:50 PM.
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