Dien Rice
November 23, 2017, 05:03 PM
It's become a little bit "trendy" nowadays to mention having gratitude, and giving thanks... To the degree some many even think it's a "modern" thing!
Of course, having gratitude is in reality an ancient spiritual practice, with many benefits...
It's not something we should do just once a year, but really we should do it every day, or even continuously...
Gratitude and giving thanks is an important part of living a happy life!
Best wishes (and happy Thanksgiving)!
- Dien
Of course, having gratitude is in reality an ancient spiritual practice, with many benefits...
It's not something we should do just once a year, but really we should do it every day, or even continuously...
Gratitude and giving thanks is an important part of living a happy life!
Best wishes (and happy Thanksgiving)!
- Dien