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Blast from the past [Archive] - Page 10 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
December 25, 2017, 10:32 PM
Hi Cornell,

Merry Christmas.

Well it is not really that it doesn't fit, it is just that the nature of the forum has transitioned quite a bit and discussions have moved away from web design, content management, writing, new business opportunities, etc. These are the areas I am into...
Thanks Cornell, that's great feedback! (And thanks Unpink for asking the questions...!)

I'm still very interested in the art of writing (nonfiction in particular), and in new business opportunities...

I still make lots of notes on these topics (as I learn new things), save various articles, and so on... I'll try to write a bit more about these topics too... :)

(In other news, I have been pulled into other areas I don't really write about here... I'm a cofounder of a money-transfer related business, so we are constantly having to solve money-transfer business related problems, which are quite specific. I've also become a band manager, which again is a whole new thing - but so far it mostly boils down to negotiation and marketing...!)

Best wishes,


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