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Blast from the past [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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December 22, 2017, 01:42 PM
Welcome, we hope you have had a successful journey which brought you back around to us. We don't hear from Don or any of the old guys anymore, the Parade of Life, however continues, and we still bang our drums.

Many exciting things in the last 18 years. And sadly, some of our old friends are no longer with us. What have you been up to Tuan?


I am still around and still doing what I have been since 1998. I drop in here every 2 or 3 days....however the focus of the forum and the postings being put up are not really in line anymore with what I do or my area of expertise, and therefore seldom post.....but I do still lurk a bit.

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