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Dien Rice
August 30, 2018, 11:46 AM
Written by Robert McKee and Thomas Gerace. STORYNOMICS

I found the 8 Stages of Story Design to be particularly useful. The whole book is a treasure trove. Read it soon.
Thanks Gordon...

I'm trying to improve my use of stories...

By the way, I sometimes re-read your stories (on the bottom left of the Sowpub home page (http://www.sowpub.com)) for inspiration...!

I've also been listening to "story-telling" comedians... Garrison Keillor, Jeff Garlin, Dave Chappelle... They all focus on story-telling in what they do (as opposed to pure observational humor, though Dave Chappelle is a bit of both)... I also bought a book of Erma Bombeck stories I read (and chuckle) through, too... :)

It's a good skill to have.

I think you're a "natural" at it... :)

Best wishes,


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