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RED & BLUE Stansberry scare, that time of the year. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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January 16, 2019, 11:31 AM
Loves me some Stansberry scare.

This year, he has the RED OCTOBER scare for investors, and the BLUE WAVE, the socialists are coming scare for investors.

Great copywriting techniques, especially knowing your market. And their FEARS.

Fan the flames of fears, line your pockets with moolah. It is a tried and tested technique, and you can't go wrong with long storage food items (my usual retort to Stansberry, cause you can't eat gold or SILVER, this year's darling).

FEAR. It elected a president. And it could make you rich too.


PS. Many people have just ONE problem, a lack of money.

There are 7 Solutions to this problem. The now: borrow, sell, advances...the future; business, investments and planning and a lifetime; savings.

If you have the ONE problem, now you have 7 solutions.

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