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France's 15,000-egg Easter omelette! [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : France's 15,000-egg Easter omelette!

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Dien Rice
April 19, 2019, 12:10 PM
If you haven't heard about it...

Every year, one town in south-west France gathers 15,000 eggs, put them in a GIANT frying pan, and cook an enormous Easter omelette!

Everyone who turns up for the festival all get together to eat it!

It's called the Brotherhood of the Giant Omelette...

The story goes that Napoleon, when he was in the area, enjoyed a local omelette so much that he asked for a giant omelette to be cooked for his troops. In commemoration, now they do it every year!

Just thought some might enjoy reading about it!

https://assets.atlasobscura.com/media/W1siZiIsInVwbG9hZHMvdGhpbmdfaW1hZ2VzL2NjYzhhNTkxLT U0YzYtNGM3NS05Yzc1LTA4ZjQ3NDY3ZjhjMmVmNzg0YzdiNzI4 N2MyZGQwMV9HZXR0eUltYWdlcy01MTc4NjA4MzguanBnIl0sWy JwIiwiY29udmVydCIsIiJdLFsicCIsImNvbnZlcnQiLCItcXVh bGl0eSA4MSAtYXV0by1vcmllbnQiXSxbInAiLCJ0aHVtYiIsIj U4MHg1ODAjIl1d/GettyImages-517860838.jpg

Why one French town is buying 15,000 eggs in time for Easter

Giant Omelette Festival

Best wishes,


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