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GJABIZ Pocket Pro, a coach in your pocket. [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
May 6, 2019, 05:47 PM
I created this REMINDER booklet for myself. It is a touchstone, it helps me to remember what I know.

The booklet contains the very distilled wisdom of Elmer Wheeler, Elmer Leterman, Dale Carnegie, Blair Warren, Robert Cialdini, Roy Garn, plus pages from my own SQ1 and a MAGIC CHANT even.
Thanks Gordon...

One thing I liked is that this is not just a summary. It includes some of your insights - like the connection between Robert Cialdini "Pre-Suasion" and Blair Warren...

I love it, and will keep it close, especially for sales and copywriting... :)


Best wishes,


P.S. Will email you more later... :)

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