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How to become fierce, ferocious and furious. [Archive] - Page 13 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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August 26, 2019, 12:52 PM
Have you found that the same types of business folks are taking part in this forum as they did in the beginning?

I have more interaction via email than I do at the forum. And I think today's visitors, or most recent "members" are NOT as Entrepreneurial as they were 20 years ago.

Just MY opinion, today, the younger people are either looking for something quick and easy and don't want to work or they are more technical.

Just me speaking, but I find other forums to be more engaging, or actually, Facebook groups. Few forums hold my attention and fewer still offer solid, real-life advice from tested and proven ideas. Too much blind leading the blind, and what I see in forums, blogs and YouTube and Facebook...all social media is

people want a voice.

Yet most have nothing to say.


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