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Getting attention. The ways and means, and the HOW and why. [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Millard Grubb
February 5, 2020, 08:28 AM
One of the best marketing packages I ever heard about was from a friend of mine years ago in Memphis.

Charles Hale was a magician looking to book some high-end shows in the corporate field. What he did was send a very expensive package (which cost about $100 each) to ten corporate meeting planners.

In each package was a top hat with a rabbit holding a fan of cards. On each card was a benefit of having Charles perform at any of their events, along with plenty of testimonials.

Beside getting a ton of shows, Charles was offered a very nice executive salaried position (along with a car) for a local ad agency.

He took the job.

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