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Dien Rice
August 15, 2020, 04:22 PM
The congress won't be around, so no news there (probably a good thing)...

Summer heat, wildfires, tornadoes, storms... racial disturbances, boiling over into full scale urban warfare? (perhaps). Schools to reopen, fall sports to resume...a lot going on in the next 3 weeks.
As I said back in April, the last two weeks of August will be brutal, even critical with how the future progresses. I don't normally issue these advisories, however, if you don't have some surplus supplies, including food, NOW would be a good time to get some.

The body politic gets headlines in all news; fake, mainstream, lamestream, niche and incite. Avoid all news if you can. Or don't take their bait.

Well, ok then.


PS. Decided NOT to send audio to anyone who doesn't use a real name. And, instead of FREE, raising the price for the course to $1,000.00 for a few.

Also, as of today, Trump will be reelected, and the dark days of America are ahead of us.
Hi Gordon,

It's a scary time, in my opinion...

Who thought that President Trump would try to hobble the US postal service for political gain? However, he's pretty much openly admitted it...

- Dien

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