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Membership Site Questions [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Millard Grubb
June 14, 2021, 12:27 PM
Over the years of my career I have amassed a VERY LARGE amount of material I have created concerning getting shows, actual routines of programs, tips about using certain materials in shows, doin g magic workshops, doing ballon workshops and a whole lot more.

This material also includes my press releases, promo items, and marketing materials.

I have often thought that selling a flash drive with all this would bring in a good chunk of change. Now I am thinking a membership site might be the way to go.

I know that Membergate used to be used by Bill Myers. Some folks like using Clickfunnels.

Does anyone have experience using a particular platform for PAID members.

As another thought in this situation, I could always just put up a site and sell my stuff piece-by-piece... but that seems like more work than I want right now. :)

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