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Creating websites or apps with "no code" (i.e. no programming)... [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Creating websites or apps with "no code" (i.e. no programming)...

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Dien Rice
June 22, 2021, 10:40 PM
Wow, here are more (free) No Code tutorials...

There are some interesting ones here... Including how to make your own Netflix clone, your own Facebook clone, your own Craigslist clone, and so on... All without any programming!

And (as mentioned before), you can also use No Code to build smartphone apps too...

These tutorials are from NoCode.Tech...

NoCode.Tech - Browse our Education

- Dien

As I've mentioned earlier, I'm looking into the "No Code" approach to creating websites and apps...

The No Code approach means you don't do any programming, but... You can still create apps for your smartphone or create websites that are functional (such as membership websites, searchable databases, bookable calendars, and so on)...

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