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$1000 Dollar Bill Letter (Virtual Version of Gary Halbert $1 Bill Letter) [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : $1000 Dollar Bill Letter (Virtual Version of Gary Halbert $1 Bill Letter)

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June 19, 2021, 12:10 AM
Thanks Gordon,

Wow I am Getting so Spoiled.

I Wrote 3 Emails into a Medium.com Artlcle.

Left the Article unfinished - in limbo.

Confident I'd get QUICK answers. (Because I borrowed some Writing Psychology from J. K. Rowling.)

And sure enough.

3 Emails and 3 Quick Replies.

So I cut and Pasted My Results.

My Email then same day answer.
My Email and instant Reply.
My Email and Quick Email back. A little Odd. But quick.

J. K. Rowling has really Figured out some powerful Copywriting Psychology.




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