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Work in Progress. The GJASQ1 instructional page. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Work in Progress. The GJASQ1 instructional page.

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June 24, 2021, 08:20 AM
Playing with Strikingly.com as I have said.

This is the skeleton for the SQ1. Finally, detailed instructions on how to make them useful.


Will have video too, it is my July project, so you can follow along, will upgrade early in July to unlock some of the other features.

This is one of those NO CODE sites which Dien has been talking about. I thought you might like to follow along to see how it gets used and how it makes ADJUSTMENTS in the direction of the goal:

to bring the GJASQ1, the SQUARE ONE WORKSHOPS into the light of day where they can serve more people.


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