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MICE by the Millions [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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June 27, 2021, 03:16 PM
Hey Dien,

Four major cities in Australia (And the farmland around them) seem to be infested with millions of mice.

Is there an Opportunity There?

Farmers have Literally Millions of mice eating Last years harvests.

But if we think smaller.

Closer to home.

I know mice and rats can eat thru wood. Which was confirmed by some Aussie Farmers who said mice ate holes in their House Doors.

HOW DO YOU KEEP MICE From Biting You In Bed?

(Auusie Gummnt Says to use Steel Wool - So we KNOW that is Wrong.)

Does STEEL WOOL really keep mice out of the house IF they can eat thru a wooden Door?

I Personally know a USA mouse cannot jump higher than 16 inches. How ATHLETIC are the Aussie Mice?

So maybe a Step by Step Report with Pictures on how to Attach 4 Steel Pipes to The Legs of your Bed
would sell Like hot cakes.

(All I'd need is a roll of Steel wire and a pair of Pliars.)

Here on the farm In Maryland, I constantly deal with mice, Moles, CROWS, rats,
groundhogs, deer, rabbits, coyotes, foxes. And a black bear and her cubs has
moved in nearby recently.

How is YOUR Family dealing with the MOUSE PLAGUE?


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