July 15, 2021, 09:09 AM
My business BOOMED at beggining of Covid last year. Like March.
Maybe this Covid would accelerate to more people start buying online and those who already bought to buy more?
Maybe this Covid will low rents for physical businesses?
In the U.S., there often are incentives left on the table for building owners to keep their spaces vacant, it sounds nuts and crazy, but it is true.
It is like a plain donut with sprinkles and chocolate on them.
A plain doughnut costs less, is more profitable, but almost every donut maker in the world runs out of plain and throws away the sugar covered ones. Drives me crazy.
But this past year, has changed things. We are looking at 3 recently vacated spaces which the owners are accepting offers, so it is a good time to get a brick and mortar thing going, if one gets great terms and has something people will leave the house for.
So, I would advise anyone to keep an eye out for space, get to know the local areas, and try to catch the wave at the beginning. As an example of that, there is in Akron, OH, and older section in decay, it is North Main Street going into Cuyahoga Falls.
That part of main street in Cuyahoga Falls, is known as State Road and it too is an area in decline and decay.
Just this week, there was an announcement of a 14 million dollar street improvement in Akron, which will benefit Cuy. Falls too, so if one were to catch this wave now, in the next 3 to 5 years, they could have a really good return on investment of either Real Estate or location.
Good time to look at vacant space IFFIN, your idea is well thought out and properly funded (not leveraged with loans).
Maybe this Covid would accelerate to more people start buying online and those who already bought to buy more?
Maybe this Covid will low rents for physical businesses?
In the U.S., there often are incentives left on the table for building owners to keep their spaces vacant, it sounds nuts and crazy, but it is true.
It is like a plain donut with sprinkles and chocolate on them.
A plain doughnut costs less, is more profitable, but almost every donut maker in the world runs out of plain and throws away the sugar covered ones. Drives me crazy.
But this past year, has changed things. We are looking at 3 recently vacated spaces which the owners are accepting offers, so it is a good time to get a brick and mortar thing going, if one gets great terms and has something people will leave the house for.
So, I would advise anyone to keep an eye out for space, get to know the local areas, and try to catch the wave at the beginning. As an example of that, there is in Akron, OH, and older section in decay, it is North Main Street going into Cuyahoga Falls.
That part of main street in Cuyahoga Falls, is known as State Road and it too is an area in decline and decay.
Just this week, there was an announcement of a 14 million dollar street improvement in Akron, which will benefit Cuy. Falls too, so if one were to catch this wave now, in the next 3 to 5 years, they could have a really good return on investment of either Real Estate or location.
Good time to look at vacant space IFFIN, your idea is well thought out and properly funded (not leveraged with loans).