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A buying frenzy you might cash in on. [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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February 7, 2022, 01:23 PM
Digesting your reply Gordon.

Because if anyone is truly poor, it simply means they are NOT giving anything to the world at all, so the solution to that "problem" is exactly the same for becoming Financially Free...

GIVE first, and do what the day needs you to do.

See? Most guys would work years to make the money only to be able to DO the things, to have the EXPERIENCES that Ol Bud did routinely, on little to NO cash outlay.


Your answer really reinforced what I already suspected... The problem of not knowing exactly what you want. The guides, the "how to" are just Maps.

Difficulty is knowing what exactly you want.

Exactly as Jim.F.Straw tells on "Mustard, Seeds, Shovels & Mountains".

What hurts me a lot is people close to me giving me pressure to "adjust to Society and be financially independent once and for all". Clearly nothing new.

But well, looking at their lives I don't identify at all – even because I will say that few people are truly financially independent, in the sense that they delusionally think that money is the solution to everything. Money is just a tool.

Thank you for this opportunity for self-analysis and venting.

He reinforced what he suspected.

Thanks Gordon.

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