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May 13, 2022, 12:40 PM
the very TALENTED Jerry Lewis; singer, dancer, musician.

His personna, dare I say his avatar, made him rich...but the man was full of talent.

When one doesn't have any gifts, or natural talents, then he must resort to hard work, persistence and have a driving ambition.

Unfortunately for me, I have neither talent or ambition, but then, I'm pretty happy with what I do got...

A very HUUUUGE .....



Hi Gordon,

One thing I love about your stuff is... you are the MASTER of the METAPHOR...

Not many people talk about that (that I've seen), in marketing / copywriting contexts...

Yet I believe it's an (often) untapped power!

I need to work on this myself... :)

As a dancer, I'm perhaps less like Christopher Walken or Gene Kelly, and perhaps a bit more like Jerry Lewis... ;)



Best wishes,


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