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Dien Rice
August 2, 2022, 09:04 AM
Hi Gordon,

I think one big difference is, when they have a report ("done for them"), they have an asset they can sell for years to come, even for decades...

With this other marketer I'm referring to - I guess one asset his customers will have is the "created for you" email list.

But, if I remember right, that done-for-you email list was only going to have I think 50 people on it... It wasn't going to be very large...

An email lists also get "stale" after a while... People's email addresses change, or their interests change...

(Oh, and when I said he would "provide the product that you sell" - I meant that his customers would be selling the product as an affiliate... they wouldn't own the product themselves...)

However, having said that, I sent out an email a few weeks ago, and I made some sales. I went through some of the sales out of curiosity... I saw one guy had subscribed to my email list on 30 June, 2008 (I just looked it up now again to confirm)...

...and this was his first purchase! Wow... That's quite a while... a 14-year gap between subscribing and buying!

Maybe that's an indictment of me as a marketer! Though I'm also pleased that he was apparently happy to stay on my email list for 14 years... and keep reading!

(I do my best to try to keep things fascinating - and also useful - for the reader... :) )

Best wishes, :)


Since I have very recently offered a done for you program (information product, promotion, even an AUTOMATIC PRODUCT VENDING site)...I have to say, I reject about 8 out of 10.

Sure, I can do it for you, out of the gate. To get you started. THEN WHAT?

And this is where I have to leave most behind. Because they don't know what they want, and lack a plan of action, the whole done for you idea only gets the rock rolling...but if it is up a hill, one can expect Sisyphus results.

I don't know who you are referring to, but I guarantee, in the end of the day, he/she is making more from doing it for you, than you are making.

DFY, is a leverage, but the long game needs continuous activity, and some of that just can't be done by anyone but you.


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