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Millard Grubb
November 1, 2022, 10:55 AM
Thanks Glenn for making me think.

I read through your story of taking your client to lunch.

As an expert with flirt tipping, asking the right questions, and generally have a boatload of fun when you go out to eat, I never noticed something you said...

You mention you were going to get the waitress to buy lunch !

Does this happen at new restaurants you go to? Do you do this a lot? Is this just another technique to impress a prospect?

Do you talk about this technique at NLPBrainbuzz?

Does this only work with waitresses?

Alright, alright... I know I asked a LOT of questions. :) (Hmmm maybe that was your aim all along)

In any case, using specific words does specific things at certain times. I learned as an entertainer that you can say things a certain way that the audience takes one way and your helper can take another way based on how you have guided the spectator. (Check out "Prism:The Color Series of Mentalism" by Phil Goldstein)

Is that what you are doing here?

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