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From the Rocking Chair... [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
November 6, 2022, 03:10 AM
Hi Gordon,

I've been recently thinking about "cults"...

Not only "real" cults... Like NXIVM and Scientology... but also the "business" kind...

By the "business" kind of "cult" I mean... those businesses with "raving" fans, who are so passionate they could be called a "cult"...

Sports teams are an obvious choice... But outside of those special cases...

Some others are...

Apple - especially in the Steve Jobs days...

I'd say Disney is another... Disney "cult" members even have a name - "Disney adults"...

I dunno... Chick-Fil-A? They seem to have some passionate fans...

It's interesting to think about... what do these businesses have in common? :)

- Dien

My post covid recovery is slow, but from the rocking chair (maybe a new podcast), I can talk and type.
So, a long, long, long time ago, before SowPub...I wrote about a way to create sustainable income, maybe even get rich.

The secret? Start your own cult. OOPS, hope that doesn't trigger anyone (actually I hope it does),

OR club if you prefer, or "association", although in some states there are regs and rules about what can be called an association.

So, a club of lottery players. A club of fantasy footballers. Millions in fantasy football leagues. A club, and isn't a forum like a club?

And many of us belong to forums where we have paid to be in it, right?

Now for the kicker, what takes you from a low six figure to a mid 7 figure, a big leap of income is: (and the archives has a lot of this stuff somewhere)

Build in a renewing LICENSE. This actually a Harvey Brody idea applied, where people get training, do workshops and seminars and have a REQUIREMENT to update that every so often, maybe every other year.

Give them a certificate, and them make them pay annually to keep it.

Comments or questions?


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